A ha, finally found my way back after getting lost in the behind-the-scenes machinery of my blog apparatus- just when I thought I was getting the hang of this...
Since the only folks likely to intentionally view this blog are my Rumpelstiltskin cohorts, then I figured I'd make this week's post relevant to us. Spent some time this evening doing a little background research on video tech + teaching, & turned up a few articles, along with the added bonus of some articles on gaming + teaching for our later tech talk. Don't have the mental power tonight to read them in-depth, but one's on "Application of Core Science Concepts Using Digital Video" & looks promising. Since we're all science folk, figured we could present this as an example from the science perspective and challenge our classmates to come up with relevant examples from their fields. Also found an article about "The effectiveness of classroom capture technology," which might be useful for discussing the implications of all these techno bells & whistles. I'd post the articles here, but don't want to anger the copyright gods, so I'll come armed & ready to class tomorrow!
Hey Erin, the articles you listed sound interesting! I will have to look those up and check em out. I too found some interesting articles on teaching with videos. Some of them were good and some bad! The games in the class room is an interesting topic and I am trying to find ways to incorporate it into science classes. Everyone loves games in science classes! See you in class to talk more details.